Wednesday, July 28, 2010


2 rings. 3 years. 36 months. 2 pregnancies. 1 baby boy. 5 times moving around.

figures are definite.
but it can’t define a marriage.

it is an uncountable happiness & tears.
a never ending discussion.
a road that both of the member refuse to find its end.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Terjemahan SOP

SOP atau Standard Operation Procedure dapat diterjemahkan menjadi Prosedur Operasi Standar (Sumber: Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia)

Menurut Ivan Lanin, frase dalam Bahasa Inggris umumnya diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia  dengan dibalik total. Sehingga Standard Operation Procedure dapat diterjemahkan menjadi Prosedur Operasi Standar atau Prosedur Operasi Baku

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Language Matters

When I set this blog up, I just wanted to go back to my writing routine, my so-called mumbling activity.
But now, there is a need inside me to share what I've learnt, or read, or heard, or seen. No, this does not mean that I'm bragging about things I know. Not at all.

Ancora Imparo, I'm still learning. Did you know, that any knowledge you share will come back to you twice, three times as much as you give? Or even more. By sharing and discussing things, you will get a lot.

Now, I'm open for discussion. Therefore, it will be a bit hard if I'm still writing in English. It's undeniable that I'm living in a country where English is not the first language and people are too afraid to speak up their mind if they can't say it nicely.

Language matters. Thus, I might still mumbling in English, but juggling up with Indonesian language in several posts. It's exciting. One day my friend said, "you can't even speak in Indonesian language, yet it's your first language." Oh well, let's see.

Now, where should I start? Digging up the book, for sure.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Working Mornings

  • Wake up on 3am
  • Breastfeed Amadeo
  • Express my breast milk
  • Clean the breastpump and bottles
  • Sterilise them
  • Take a shower and dress up
  • Breastfeed Amadeo while waiting for the carpool vehicle to pick me up
  • Leave the house between 5:15am-5:30am
  • Noting, texting, tweeting, scratching, listening, anything on the way to office
  • Arrive around 7am @ Jalan Sudirman, take a cab to Jalan Rasuna Said
  • Express my breast milk once I arrive @ my office
Every working  days, these are all the things I have to do before I start to work on 8am. Never realise how busy I am in the morning before I wrote the list above.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Things are running well.
Arie and I have a regular schedule now.
We are back to what we were.
Just great.
Happy to have a husband like him.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

So Long Bro...

It was last night, I tweeted:
# Denger Nirvana di radio, inget dulu bersedih dan berduka berhari-hari waktu Kurt Cobain meninggal. about 12 hours ago via Snaptu

(Listen to Nirvana on the radio, reminds me when I was deeply sad and mourn for days when Kurt Cobain die)

This morning, I got a mourning call, told me that my dear cousin, Ivan Henry has passed away.

It was with him, I shared the sadness about Cobain. We used to sit silently inside his bedroom, listen to many kind of music. He was so talented in music and graphic design. Until six years ago.

Well bro, the virus has finally beaten you after six years. But your spirit, the way you struggle to keep going everyday, will live inside of me eternally.

Take care bro. Till we meet again.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Saturday

I woke up early in the morning. Too early. It was 5am, Amadeo was fully awake and tried to catch my attention by touching my eyes and nose. Oh yes, our 4.5months premmie is able to do such thing now.

So I woke up, held him in my arms and breastfed him for half an hour. Then I changed him, and we went out our bedroom. His grandma was at the kitchen preparing breakfast for Api&Mio (my brother and his wife, they are called that way). I wanted to take him out of the house, but it's way too early. We went back to bed again :D

We woke up again around 8ish. I put Amadeo in his pram so I can have my brekkie, but he wanted to chat with everyone. He made sounds as he does nowadays, calling people and trying to get their attention. There were my dad, mum, and Amadeo's cousin, Keitaro. So, ok, I took him near by me so he can be involved in our brekkie conversation.

He was meant to do bath afterwards, but instead to go to the bathroom, we went back again to the bedroom and found his dad on yahoo messenger. I breastfed Amadeo again and felt so sleepy. Again. Oh well, blame the relaxing hormones!

We woke up again around 11ish. Oh geez, deja vu :D
This time, Amadeo had his bath :D After that, we had a cupping practice. Amadeo is learning how to drink from a cup. Sometimes it can be a successful session, but many times Amadeo will end up bored and stressed. Like today. It was because he used to drink from bottle. But it's ok, Arie and I strongly believe Amadeo can do cupping eventually.

After the practice, he sleeps up until now. That's why I can write this long.
Oh no, I hear a siren sound outside. Must be Keitaro and his bike. Hoho.. Gotta go now.